Our History:
With the strong encouragement of local artist, Lloyd Herfindahl, the Albert Lea Art Center was created on March 4,1959 with the choosing of a board of directors and the election of officers, beginning the process of incorporation and the framing of the by-laws.The first meetings and exhibits were held in various businesses in Albert Lea until 1975 when the Art Center purchased the oldest church building in Albert Lea located on 501 West Main Street.
In 1986, with a federal revenue sharing granted provided by the city of Albert Lea and the generosity of the community during a major fund drive, the Art Center was able to purchase the Rivoli Mini Mall at 224 South Broadway. The building, now on the historic registry, was built by Doctor William Bessesen as a conservatory for his wife Beatrice Gjertson Bessesen, an acclaimed opera singer.
In 2005, the building was purchased with the hope of restoring the upper two floors anticipating their use as studio and apartment. The first floor with three galleries, gift shop and an office, continues to provide a center for the cultural arts in this community and a home for the Albert Lea Art Center.
Art On Broadway offers the unique opportunity for shoppers to purchase the original work of area artists and writers. Items include: paintings, pottery, cards, jewelry, books and supplies for the artist.
The gift shop provides space and visibility for artists of southern Minnesota to merchandise their wares to the public. The gift shop also has artists' supplies that are hard to find in local stores.