Mission Statement:
Andrews University, a distinctive Seventh-day Adventist Christian institution, transforms its students by educating them to seek knowledge and affirm faith in order to change the world.
Andrews University students will:
Seek knowledge as they
Commit to a mindset of intellectual discovery.
Demonstrate the ability to think clearly and critically.
Communicate effectively utilizing multiple media.
Understand the arts, letters and sciences from a Christian point of view.
Become competent to serve humanity in their chosen disciplines and professions.
Prepare for meaningful work in a complex, technological and global society.
Affirm Faith as they
Nurture life in the Spirit through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Deepen their faith commitment and practice.
Demonstrate personal and moral integrity.
Embrace a wholesome way of life.
Respect ethnic and cultural diversity.
Change the World as they go forth to
Cultivate the capacity for creative problem-solving and innovation.
Commit to generous service through civic engagement.
Create a caring culture of global leadership.
Carry out the worldwide mission of the Seventh-day Adventist church.