Mission Statement:
The Belle Plaine Community School District, in partnership with the community, will prepare students to become responsible, productive citizens and lifelong learners by providing a positive educational environment with a challenging, diversified curriculum.
Improve the level of students' attitudes toward citizenship and all its attendant meaning.
Increase the level of student achievement in all disciplines.
Improve the extent of students' and adults' ability to engage in life-long learning.
Maintain a process for involving students, parents, community members, and alumni in supporting the Belle Plaine Community School District.
Develop and sustain a process for maintaining, improving, and protecting our facilities.
We place education as our highest priority, recognizing that everyone can learn. (MCGF)*
Our school is a positive, caring, nurturing, and safe learning environment. (MCGF)
Students should possess and display the skills necessary for effective communication. (Career)
Students should develop critical thinking and research skills to solve problems responsibly. (Career)
Students should display global awareness and respect for their environment. (Global)
School, family, and community collaborate to meet the needs of all students and maintain the highest possible level of educational programs and facilities.
Students can learn best when they are actively engaged in and are accountable for their own learning.
It is important for everyone to be a life-long learner. (Career)
High expectations and a strong work ethic promote excellence.
We believe that parents have a significant impact on the school performance of their children.
Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. (MCGF)