Bruce Farm
This is a herd share coop for fresh raw milk from goats and cows of heritage breeds. Each cow share yields one gallon of whole milk. Each goat share yields 1/2 gallon. Product is refrigerated immediately and packaged in member provided glass containers for on farm pickup. All other products are sold outright.
Our farm is actually a food coop providing members with access to raw milk though a herd share agreement. We use organic method but are not certified. Our cows and goats are 100% grass fed and hand milked. The goats are American Alpine, the cows are Jersey, Guernsey, Brown Swiss. All heritage breeds. We also have chicken, pork, rabbit, homemade soap, and firewood available.
CSA Details:
-Season:Year round
-Type:Single farm
-No of Shares:80
-Full Share:$5 per share to buy in to herd. $4 per week per share to maintain. Can be paid by week, month, year. The buy in is refundable.
-Work Req?:No
Pick Up/Drop Off Points:
Bruce Farm
Members pick up their shares each on their appointed weekday but at any time during the day between 5:00 A.M and 8:00 P.M CST.
-Contact:Andrew Bruce
-Address:7489 Aetna Furnace Hwy ( 936 ),Magnolia, KY 42757