- Camphor’s mission is: To make disciples of Jesus Christ by:
- Enhancing personal spiritual growth and fostering joint fellowship with people
- Showing love and concern for others, inviting all persons into a saving relationship
- Giving and being in service with and to the community, all done in the spirit of Christ.
About Us:
Camphor Memorial UMC is a vibrant church with an active presence in the community and an open door to all who seek to learn more about Jesus Christ.
Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church has been a part of the Twin Cities community for over 94 years. In that time, the neighborhood, the city and the world have changed around us.
The internet and our ability to express ourselves ¨globally is a great example of that change.
However, our calling remains unchanged: to worship God, to be disciples of Christ, and to serve others.
Camphor’s first church service took place as a prayer meeting at the home of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McFarland and their children. In spite of a severe storm that night, the following people weathered the inclement weather: John P. Douglas, Sr., John P. Douglas, Jr. Mrs. Julia D. Lewis, Mrs. J. B. Crafton, Mrs. Louise Douglas Johnson, Mrs. Mabel Douglas Hardaway, Mrs. Inez Douglas Bruce, Mrs. Tennia Thomas, Miss Lucille Shannon, Bertrand Shannon (a baby) and Mr. J. B. Crafton. Camphor Memorial was named for the Reverend Alexander Priestly Camphor, a Methodist Bishop.