The Master Gardener mission in Charles County is to provide outreach education to the public on a wide variety of environmental horticulture subjects. "Environmental horticulture" is the planting, growing, and cultivation of plant materials with an emphasis on protecting the surrounding ecology and reducing harmful effects to the immediate environment. Plant materials may include (but are not limited to) flowers, vegetables, grasses, trees, shrubs, and ground covers. Goals targeted by the Master Gardener mission include informing residents about sound horticultural practices that will help prevent environmental damage and benefit the community ecology:
by reducing runoff and erosion
by limiting pesticide application
by building healthy landscapes
by discouraging the planting and propagation of non-native invasive plants
by soil quality identification and soil testing
by eliminating or reducing high-maintenance land areas
by minimizing paved surfaces when possible
by choosing appropriate botanicals for a specific location
and other site specific factors
The Charles County Master Gardener mission also encompasses providing information about nutrient management, organic food gardens, composting techniques, and Bay-Wise Landscaping. Master Gardener projects include teaching the public about these effective horticultural topics that protect the environment from leaching excess nutrients into waterways and streams.
Phone No. 301-753-8195