Our Vision - Through anointed teaching, preaching, and lifestyle, we desire to be a people who communicate Biblical truths concerning apostolic church planting, prophetic insights into the Church's destiny, proven and unique avenues of evangelistic outreach, models of pastoral feeding and care, and the necessity of fellowship within the local church, recognizing and honoring each other's gifts and abilities as we submit to one another in the fear of the Lord.
With a call to apostolic service, it is our purpose to father sons and daughters in the gospel, building a people of praise and worship, and a people without prejudice!
Our Mission - Christ Temple is a Spirit-filled family church with an emphasis on praise, worship, and covenant relationship. Christ Temple is a multifaceted, multiracial, Bible-based ministry and a training center in pursuit of God's predetermined purpose. It has been said that: "Men teach what they know, but they impart who they are" and . . . "Success without a successor is failure in disguise."
Our Goal - is to reinstate the five-fold ministry (Ephesians 4:11) in our assembly for the purpose of developing the "cutting edge" Community of Faith that will best represent God's purpose and program for the 21st century. We will "follow where He leads us" and "pasture where He feeds us" until Jesus Christ comes again to take us home to be with Him on HIgh!