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18120 68th Ave NE
With Integrity as its cornerstone Kenmore is a city that will meet its obligations by providing Public Safety Effective and efficient services A community-generated plan for the future Forums for citizen participation and involvement Fair-friendly services responsive to the diverse needs of the citizens Representation of Kenmore's interest in local and regional partnerships leaving a sustainable legacy.
As we look into the future twenty years from now, we see Kenmore as a place that residents, businesses and visitors find special with welcoming, courteous people, offering a high quality of life as a place to live, raise children, shop, work, recreate and socialize. In 2020, we see Kenmore as...
A community that is family friendly with a small town feeling, that recognizes its history and is open to and values diversity.
A community that fosters a sense of belonging and pride, makes use of the vast skills of its citizens and promotes volunteerism.
A community that has preserved the character of its single family residential neighborhoods, which offers a range of housing types and prices to ensure an adequate choice of attractive living accommodations and promotes compatible housing.
A community that actively protects natural and environmentally sensitive areas, significant open space and trees.
A community with an attractive, vital, pedestrian-oriented city center offering commercial, civic, cultural and park spaces, integrated with higher density housing.
A community with clear design standards creating attractive, functional, and enduring buildings and places.
A community that manages its traffic well, and is united by a safe and effective system of streets, transit routes, sidewalks and trails, linking significant regional and local destinations.
A community that supports and encourages quality schools, diverse and continuing education opportunities.
A community with a network of parks, trails, open spaces and recreational facilities providing for passive and active recreation and waterfront access.
A community with clear public priorities that efficiently and effectively utilizes its public resources.
A community with an economic base that provides for the needs of its citizens and provides quality employment opportunities.
A community that is attentive to and seeks to provide, for the health, safety and welfare of all its citizens.
A community that is a good partner with the citizens and governments throughout the region.
A community with an informed citizenry working with an open, responsive government that seeks out and integrates public input.
To achieve this vision, responsible commitments in planning and resources will be made. We share and support this vision for Kenmore.