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Deposit Free Library

159 Front Street

The Deposit Free Library began in 1929 due to the efforts of the Deposit Civic Club.

Until the late 1930's, the library was located in rented rooms over Smith's Drug Store.

In 1937, Mr Clark Minor, a native son and vice-president of General Electric International, offered to build a library for his hometown if a suitable site could be provided.

By July 1, 1937, $2200.00 was raised and the site on Front Street was purchased.

The new library was ready to be opened on December 18, 1937.
The collection contained 3000 books.

By 1962, the library was bursting at its seams and Mr. Minor had the Children's Wing designed and built.

Clark Minor was a successful businessman and he knew that the financial affairs of every organization must be planned for the future.He established a trust fund which has grown to the point that it provides about 30% of the funding needed each year to operate the library.We receive support from the Village of Deposit, Town of Deposit, Town of Sanford, Broome County and New York State.A fund raising drive is conducted once a year with a mailing.Discarded and donated books are sold during the Lumberjack Festival as well as the rest of the year.

Maintenance of our architect-designed building is a serious concern and grant funding is sought on a regular basis so our building is kept in good shape and is modernized as needed.

Our library had total holdings of 13,594 at the end of 1997.We were visited by 12,200 patrons during that year.

Our collection includes best sellers in fiction and non-fiction as well as a good selection of current periodicals.

A microfilm collection of the Deposit Courier from its earliest days is maintained.

A Canon reader/printer is available to read this collection and copies can be made for a modest charge.
