Do you ever ask yourself “Why Me? Why am I so blessed” I do because I, like many, am blessed with enough to eat when starvation is rabid in parts of the world and hundreds of children are hungry in our own country; I have a home when thousands have lost homes and businesses in storms and floods; illness and disease devastate many more worldwide. And, even though I have a serious disease, I too have excellent medical care and adequate insurance. “Why have I been so blessed?” Perhaps, because like Abraham, we are blessed to be a blessing. Not because of our merit but to be a blessing to others. ‘CALLED TO BE A BLESSING’.
There are many avenues for us to help. One is through United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Write a check to FUMC and put U.S. Disaster Relief #901670 on the memo line AND on the offering envelope. ALL of your contribution will aid victims of disaster in the U.S.A. To help relieve starvation and hunger in the Horn of Africa, write a check to FUMC with International Response #98450 on the memo line AND on the offering envelope. Again, ALL of your contribution goes to the victims of starvation in the Horn of Africa.
The Mission Committee: Sandy Swanson, Mary Polnow, Blu Pickering, Emily Pickering, Kyle Slaughter, George Swanson