Flight 93 Memorial Chapel is a spiritual memorial and perpetual tribute in
honor of the Heroes of Flight 93, and all others who perished
September 11, 2001. The founder and Director-Curator is Reverend
Alphonse T. Mascherino, an ordained Catholic priest for twenty-six
Chapel is a secular non-denominational Chapel, and serves as a
spiritual refuge and place of meditation and prayer. The Chapel is open
to people of all faiths and is available for individual faith groups to
worship together under the direction of their respective religious
leaders. Prayer and worship services will be conducted on a regular
basis to honor the Heroes who have fallen, to pray for our Nation, our
President, public officials and religious leaders. The theme of the
Chapel is One Nation Under God. Appropriate ceremonies on national
holidays will celebrate the religious diversity of America and the
unity of the American people.
Chapel will present multi-media programs to the public celebrating
the Memory of the Heroes of Flight 93, The Spirit of America,
and the theme of One Nation Under God. A program of lectures
and addresses by professionals in the fields of Religion, Education,
Psychology and Public Service will be presented. Chorales, and
Concerts by performing groups and visiting Church choirs centered on
the theme of the American Spirit, with audience participation are
planned in the Chapel and on the Chapel grounds.The church
building was first dedicated in 1902, and is recognized to be one
hundred years old. The church was used for services for seventy years.
In recent years the building served as a seed warehouse of the Servos
Seed Corporation. The building was purchased privately from the
Kurt Servos Family in January, 2002 and is currently under
reconstruction as the Memorial Chapel.