Our Purpose
"Reaching The Unchurched For Jesus Christ and Teaching Them How to Follow Him"
What We Believe
-We believe the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, to be the only inspired, inerrant and infallible Word of God. The Bible is our standard for belief and living.
-We believe in one God, eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. His ascension to the Father's right hand and His future return in power and glory.
-We believe that all people are sinners and lost before a holy God. We believe that the only means of forgiveness and eternal life is through personal faith in Jesus Christ.
-We believe that the Spirit of God indwells each believer, giving power for godly living and service.
-We believe in the resurrection of the saved to eternal blessedness and in the final condemnation of those who reject or ignore God's grace in Christ.
-We believe in the spiritual unity of all true believers in Christ, and in the universal Church as God's agency in bringing in His Kingdom.
-We practice baptism by immersion for those who have put their trust in Christ. We celebrate the Lord's Supper monthly, inviting all who follow Christ to participate.