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Grace Bible Fellowship

2403 Shooting Park Road

As a local fellowship of Christians we exist to glorify God. To that end Jesus Christ has given us a mandate. Defined Scripturally, we are commissioned to make disciples of all nations as we go into the world, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything Jesus Christ commanded (Matthew 28:18-20).

Spreading a passion

for God and His glory

in Jesus Christ

among all peoples.

As we seek to fulfill this mission we are motivated by a passion to see God magnified -- at all times, in all places, and among all peoples. This is our desire, first, because He is worthy of such glory, and second, because we have experienced the reality of His worthiness through the grace and mercy we received in the forgiveness of our sin. We cannot help but be captivated by the magnificent love of God for us as displayed in the sacrificial, substitutionary death of His Son, Jesus Christ. Such great love for unworthy sinners is utterly incomprehensible!

Admittedly, our passion for God often fails to correspond to His worthiness. Yet, we commit ourselves to find our greatest satisfaction in Him while striving in dependence on the Holy Spirit to spread such a passion among all peoples. Consequently, we give ourselves to enrich this passion for God and His glory through instruction, express this passion through worship, exhibit this passion through service, and extend this passion through outreach. As a result, we are developing an increasing variety of God-centered learning, worshipping, serving and outreaching opportunities so that we may fulfill this Grand Purpose.

It is our prayer that God may inflame us with an ever-growing passion for Himself, that with delight we may discover and declare His excellencies to the glory of His name among all peoples.
