Our Mission:
-Invite people to Jesus,
-Equip all for discipleship,
-Expand God's Kingdom,
-Glorify God
We believe:
- The Bible is the divinely inspired, true Word of God.
- The Bible is the source of our faith and daily practices.
- In the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- In two Sacarments: Holy Baptism and Holy Communion, in which we receive Jesus' real presence in the bread and wine.
- In the physical death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- That the Apostles', Nicene & Athanasian creeds, as well as the Book of Concord are true declarations of faith.
- We are saved from our sinful nature by God's grace through faith alone not through our works.
- The Word of God speaks to us as both Law and Gospel.