About Us:
Whether you choose a martial arts program for self-defense, physical fitness, stress reduction, or just for plain fun, Innovative Martial Arts Academy has an affordable program made just for you.
Just For Fun
Our programs are successful because we make the classes fun. If the classes are fun, you'll learn more. This is especially true with children.
Stress Reduction
Our classes are like mini-vacations you get to take twice a week. When you're in class, your troubles and worries seem a million miles away. Everyone needs a distraction now and then, and it actually makes us more productive.
Increased Confidence
The confidence-building part of our program is what students appreciate the most. Nothing can take the place of the security in knowing that you can defend yourself or your loved ones, if the need should arise.
Physical Fitness
Our classes are like an exercise program with a bonus! You learn to defend yourself while you get into shape. Also, unlike some aerobics classes, you never feel out of place, because everyone works at his/her own pace.
Self Defense
Here at IMAA, everything we teach is reality-based. We work hard to ensure that any situation you might encounter on the street is covered in the classroom under very safe learning conditions, so you will be prepared.