The Izaak Walton League of America is a diverse group of 50,000 men and women dedicated to protecting our nation's soil, air, woods, waters and wildlife. Our strength lies in our grassroots, commonsense approach to solving local, regional and national conservation issues. Our interests span the spectrum of outdoor recreation and conservation activities, from angling and birding to stream monitoring, wildlife photography, skeet and trap, rifle and pistol shooting, and hunting and hunter safety. But we all share one major goal: to protect and use sustainable America's rich wildlife habitats and their resources to ensure a high quality of life for all people, now and in the future. The Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chapter manages its 623-acre "Conservation Farm" on Izaak Walton Way, just south of Poolesville, Maryland. This conservation farm and all areas with it are a living classroom and outdoor recreational facility for the chapter's 1,000+ members and their escorted guests.
Membership Info :
Lynn Adams
P.O. Box 542
Poolesville, MD 20837
Email: [email protected]