Mission Statement :
The Keizer Art Association is organized to encourage the creation, understanding, and appreciation of arts in the community; to gather together objects of art for display and interpretation, and to have as a final goal, the participation of all members of the community as a part of the total art education process.
History :
Keizer Art Association has been in existence since 1978. The three founding members were Don Walton, Marge Browder and Enid Joy Mount. The Associaiton operated out of many locations in Keizer before finding a permanent home here at the Keizer Heritage Building. Thanks to the generosity of the community and Enid Joy Mount's family, our Gallery is named for her, and continues to have monthly shows featuring local artists and others, from Oregon and beyond. Enid Joy Mount was very determined that children have a chance to experience and create art. She helped them find clay in the natural environment (located under horsetail plants) and then make objects they could wood-fire with her help. We are inviting anyone with more stories about the beginning of Keizer Art to contact us, in order to expand our knowledge of our history.