Mission Statement:
The mission of Lee Memorial Library is to Educate, Empower, Enlighten, Enrich, Enhance and Entertain the residents of the community through a variety of media. We believe the library serves as a community anchor, which provides lifelong learning and enrichment for people of all ages and will adapt to the evolving needs of the residents.
Guiding Principles:
Educate and Enlighten – We encourage the growth and enrichment of our patrons, staff and volunteers through access to information fostering an informed citizenry.
Empower- We offer materials that provide different points of view which allow for a full and open presentation of issues and ideas in our society.
Enrich and Entertain – We sponsor educational, cultural and recreational programs for all. We maintain equal access to public spaces for meeting and interacting with other community members.
Enhance- We give our residents maximum value through fiscal responsibility, and serve our public with professional and courteous service.
Evolve- We will meet the needs of our patrons by continually adapting to new ideas and technology.