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Mendocino College Center Theatre

Mendocino College Center Theatre
1000 Hensley Creek Road

About Us:

We offer an AA degree with an emphasis in either Theatre or Dance as well as an AA Degree for Transfer in Theatre Arts. The curriculum includes courses in acting, dance, and technical theatre.  Students may elect to take individual courses to enrich their college experience or commit to a full program though two different AA Degrees sequences and our exciting Conservatory Cohort Experience.  The Theatre Arts Department is closely allied to the Music Department which offers related courses in voice, opera and musical theatre.  The department has collaborative relationships with the Ukiah Players Theatre, Ukiah Civic Light Opera, and S.P.A.C.E. (Near & Arnold's School of Performing Arts and Cultural Education). In addition, our students often work with other local theatre companies, including and The Willits Community Theatre.   The Mendocino College Theatre Arts Department is a member of the Arts Council of Mendocino County and works to promote the arts in our communities.
