Our Mission:
Called in Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, New Brunswick Theological Seminary participates in God's own laboring to fulfill God's reign on earth.
Rooted in the Reformed tradition and centered in its trust of God's sovereignty and grace, the Seminary is an inter-cultural, ecumenical school of Christian faith, learning, and scholarship committed to its metro-urban and global contexts.
Our mission is to educate persons and strengthen communities for transformational, public ministries in church and society. We fulfill this mission through creative, contextual, and critical engagement with texts, traditions, and practices.
The Seminary seeks to serve men and women of all ages, church traditions and racial/ethnic backgrounds with academic programs suited to their needs. Students are welcome to study full or part-time, day and evening.
The Seminary draws upon the resources of its university contexts for graduate instruction in a variety of academic disciplines. Located in a socially diverse, religiously plural and racially mixed metropolitan culture, the Seminary seeks the integration of a classical theological education with the effective practice of ministry in urban, suburban and rural churches and institutions.