About Us :
Old Stone Presbyterian Church was established in 1783. The present sanctuary, built in 1796, is the oldest church building in continuous use west of the Allegheny Mountains. Old Stone Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbytery of West Virginia, the Synod of the Trinity and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Presbyterian churches are the theological heirs of the "reformed theological school" of John Calvin in Europe in the sixteenth century. The name Presbyterian refers to the form of government by "presbyters" or "elders." Church Officers - Elders and Trustees - are elected by the congregation each year to serve for three year terms.
The Session, the ruling body of the church, consists of the Pastors and active Elders. The Session governs the church and implements its decisions through standing and ad hoc committees. The Standing Committees of the Old Stone Session, which are composed of Elders and members, are: Care Ministry, Christian Education, Communications, Fellowship, Finance and Stewardship, Growth, Personnel, Plans, Property, Witness and Service, and Worship and Music.