About Us:
Pete's Greens is a certified organic, four season, vegetable farm located on the edge of Vermont's Northeast Kingdom in Craftsbury, VT. We believe whole-heartedly that as more Vermonters eat locally, we will become healthier as communities and as individuals. By deciding to eat locally you support thousands of small producers such as creameries, cheesemakers, slaughterhouses, butchers, bakeries, sauerkraut makers, and of course vegetable farmers. Foods grown locally and in-season are also more nutritious, taste better, and eating them connects us to our place and to our present time of year. Local food production is interesting work that makes a great career and creates a fine quality of life here in Vermont, keeping our agricultural economy an important part of our culture.
At Pete's Greens we grow a wide range of organic produce and raise pastured meats. Our selection of organic produce includes all your standards as well as interesting and unique specialty vegetables with an emphasis on baby greens, heirloom tomatoes, and root crops. Soil fertility is critical to grow healthy organic plants, which result in vegetables with superior taste and quality. We incorporate the most current and proven sustainable systems for cover cropping and composting to naturally rejuvenate the land and provide a healthy environment for plants to grow. Our pastured animals contribute to the diversity of products we offer, but equally important, they contribute to the fertility of our fields by adding back important nutrients and aerating the soil through their scratching, pecking, rooting and grazing.
As a four season vegetable farm in a cold climate we are always pushing the limits of what crops can be started early, extended longer, or held through the winter. We do this by selecting crop varieties that grow well through each season such as hardy greens and spinach in the winter and perennial greens for early spring mixes. Moveable greenhouses are utilized to get an early start and also to extend the season for high value crops such as tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and cucumbers. We heat several of our greenhouses with used vegetable oil that we pick up along our weekly delivery route to our area restaurants and retail stores. Our root cellar has climactic zones that store different crops at the temperature and humidity that is ideal for each so that we can carry our Fall harvests of potatoes, carrots, onions and more into the Spring. The addition of freezer space has also allowed us to freeze summer crops such as corn, peppers and even watermelon for off-season locally grown treats.