We are a free, independent, self-governing congregation under Christ alone as Head, with no denominational affiliation or earthly headquarters, though we recognize a particular closeness to other Churches of Christ. We are free to study, teach, and work as our conscience, directed by the Bible leads us. We deplore the denominational divisions of today and pray for the time when all professed Christians shall divest themselves of all humanly devised barriers and come into the unity of the faith that is in Christ.
We carry on our work and worship as we understand the Scriptures to teach. According to apostolic precedent, we celebrate the Lord's Supper each Lord's day. Our music is the praise of our lips without mechanical accompaniment. Our prayers, largely spontaneous, are intended for power, and not just as a part of the program. The proclamation of the word of God is given a prominent place, for we believe that in Christian worship God always speaks, and that we must be attuned to hear.