As a National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Medical Home, we are here to serve you as your personal care team. We strive to exceed the standards around access and continuity, population and high-risk management, self-management and community care resources. All the while, we work to coordinate your care beyond our own system. Patient experience is extremely important to us, and we measure your satisfaction. You may receive a survey in the mail, please fill it out to help us continuously improve.
Our on-site services include: primary and preventive care, internal medicine, pediatrics, outpatient mental health counseling, minor skin surgeries, obstetrics & gynecology and women's health services, hypnotherapy, physical therapy, and planned diabetic visits. For your convenience, lab and x-ray services are also available on site Monday through Friday, and referrals to medical specialists, including dental care, can be coordinated to provide you high-quality, comprehensive care that meets your personal needs, as well as the needs of your extended care team.