Our mission is multifaceted:
-to share and to pass on our Catholic faith and traditions;
-to support the spiritual lives of all parishioners;
-to serve those in need;
-to give witness to Christ and to his Gospel;
-to treat with respect and gratitude the beautiful Sacraments God has given us.
St. Peter parishioners come from all over Omaha and beyond because they are attracted to the parish's beautiful liturgies, uncompromising proclamation of the Gospel and friendly community. The parish provides catechesis for every age and much-needed relief to the poor and hungry; it is also a home for recent immigrants.
The parishioners of St. Peter Catholic Church believe the renewal of the Church will come primarily through the worthy and obedient celebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice, the "source and summit of the Christian life"(Lumen Gentium, §11).
With sung Masses, four choirs specializing in chant, Mass parts in Latin, Masses celebrated ad orientem, altar boys, Eucharistic Exposition, the recitation of the Prayer to St. Michael after Masses, chanted Solemn Vespers on Saturdays and Sundays, and Holy Communion at the altar rail, St. Peter Catholic Church strives to celebrate the Sacred Liturgy employing everything we can of Church’s sacred tradition in the Ordinary Form of the Catholic Church.