Established here in Salem, Virginia in 1902 and have been a permanent fixture on the corner of Main and Shanks Street since then.
Salem Church of Christ offers ministries for people of all ages and walks of life who are looking to strengthen their relationship with Christ. The adult preaching and teaching is led by Eric Evans, our Senior Minister. Junior and Senior High students are welcome to come and experience IMPACT, our youth ministry program led by Taylor Plott, the Youth and Family Life Minister. Younger children will enjoy programs specifically geared to their age level and nursery services are available during worship services for our youngest attenders.
The spiritual direction of our community is guided by the leadership of our elders. Currently we have 4 elders: David Workman, Pat Counts, Larry Campbell and Steve Pagans. These men work with great integrity to see to it that we are staying on course in faithfully seeking out God's plans for our community.