The Sanilac Intermediate School District operates programs and services
benefiting local school districts and the community at
large. These include: Adult and Community Education,
Alternative Education, Career Technical Preparation, General Education
Services, Sanilac County Science and Mathematics Center, Special
Education Programs and Services,
and Technology.
The Sanilac Intermediate
School District serves seven local school districts in Sanilac County,
ranging in size from 600 to 2,550 students, in the Thumb of
Michigan. These districts include Brown City, Carsonville-Port
Sanilac, Croswell-Lexington, Deckerville, Marlette, Peck and
Sandusky. Over 600 teachers are employed in Sanilac County
Sanilac County is the largest geographical county in the Lower Peninsula, connected by three road arteries: M53, M46 and M25. The primary source of revenue in Sanilac County is manufacturing. Agriculture is also a very significant contributor to the County's economy, with 75% of land use devoted to agricultural endeavors.
It is the policy of the Sanilac Intermediate School District that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, height, weight, marital status or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination during programs, activities,