About Us:
We are a congregation of Lower Susquehanna Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
We are beloved children of God of all ages.
We are people who come together on a regular basis to acknowledge God's love for us and to share that love with one another.
We are people who laugh and cry together.
We believe in the Triune God--Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus is the Incarnate Lord, God become human for the express purpose of saving humanity from our sin.
We believe that the Holy Bible, both Old and New Testaments, reveal God's love to the world.
We confess the Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds as the foundation of our faith.
We preach and teach in accordance with the Book of Concord, written by 16th century reformers as they sought to help others understand the faith that they taught.