A History of the Parish
The Anglican Parish of S. John the Baptist was formed in 1991 by the then Rev'd Canon, now the Rt Rev'd Paul Hewett, who also established churches in Winchester VA, (S. Michael the Archangel), Newport News VA, (S. Francis of Assisi), Georgetown, DC, (Christ the King), Phoenixville PA, (The Transfiguration), and Washington NJ, (S. Therese of Lisieux). Prior to leasing their present home, S. John’s parishioners had been meeting in parishioners’ homes since 1991 and in the chapel at Marshall Manor Nursing Home from 1993.
Bishop Hewett’s successors have been the Rev'd Canon Geoffrey Neal, a Canon of S. Alban’s Abbey, U.K., the Rev'd Canon David Wastie, a Canon of Bukavu Cathedral, the Congo, Africa, the Rev'd Larry Morrison of Alloway, NJ, the Rev'd David A.S. Hoare of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Gibraltar and presently, the Rev'd Canon Jonathan J.D. Ostman SSC, formerly of Newport, Rhode Island.
The Anglican Church of S. John the Baptist is in everyday use and represents what the Anglican church stands for: purity of belief, worship and practice. Mattins (Morning Prayer) is said at 9.30am on weekday (Monday - Saturday) mornings and Evensong at 5.30pm. On Sunday, Mattins is said at 9.00am, followed by Christian Formation at 9.30am and a Sung Mass at 10.30am. There are also mid-week Celebrations on Saints’ days and Feast days. Enquiries, Baptisms, Catechism, Confession, Weddings and Funerals are by appointment with the Rector, who is available 7 days a week.