C.N.O.T.E. is an acronym which stands for Create Nothing Other Than Excellence and it is my personal inspiration for illuminating and positively impacting education in the urban community!
Not only does C.N.O.T.E. represent a standard of life but it is also a brand that defines the potential we all have to make a difference in society and pursue unimaginable endeavors. The idea promotes social, academic and educational well-being within the urban community and this new educational revolution is what should define the young African American male education.
C.N.O.T.E. is founded on three leadership principles: Character, Integrity and Confidence.
THE MISSION – Is to increase reading, writing and math proficiencies among underrepresented youth and pipeline such youth to Historically Black Colleges and Universities. (HBCU’s)
This will be accomplished by…
Concretely, leveraging our core principles in functional areas such as education and more extensively health & fitness, self-branding and scholastic achievement. These are The C.N.O.T.E. way to provide new cultural experiences beyond normal in underrepresented communities.