Alachua County Youth Fair and Livestock Show

The Alachua County Youth Fair and Livestock Show Association is a non-profit organization that conducts and operates public fairs and expositions pertaining to agricultural matters and more particularly to the exhibitions of livestock, poultry, crafts, youth projects, and farm products. The fair is an educational platform for the youth in Alachua County who are interested in agriculture.

​The event is free, and is held at the Alachua County Ag and Equestrian Center located at 23100 W Newberry Road, Newberry, FL. Alachua County 4-H and FFA youth ranging in age from 8-18 can participate.

Schedule Of Events

7:00-11:00 am: Swine Check-in - Front Pole Barn

9:00-11:00 am: Rabbit Check-in - Arena

11:30 am: Market Animal Record Book Final Page Turn-in - Club House

12:00 pm: Exhibitor Meeting (Mandatory) - Arena Bleachers

1:30-2:30 pm: Poultry Check-in - Arena

1:30-2:30 pm: Rabbit Judging Contest - Arena

2:30-4:30 pm: Market Goat and Breeding Goat Show and Showmanship - Arena

6:00 pm: Steer Bred and Owned Show/Steer Show - Arena

Beef Showmanship to Follow after Steer Show - Arena

1 hr after the last show All Gates Closed

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