AVMC St. Patty's Day Party

Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 at 6:00pm

8000 East Palmer-Wasilla Highway

Alaska Vets Motorcycle Club Annual St. Patty's Day Party

Come out and celebrate with the Alaska Vets MC as we host our annual St. Patty's Day Party at The Spurs Bar & Grill! There will be music, free food with ticket, door prizes, and auctions. The $10 entrance fee gets you a traditional Irish meal and an entry in the cash prize raffle to be held that night. $3000 1st prize, $2000 2nd prize, and $1000 3rd prize! Raffle and auction proceeds help veterans in Alaska through the non-profit War Veterans of Alaska.

See any Alaska Vets MC member for raffle tickets or get them at the door. Doors open at 6 pm, Food at 7 pm.

Raffle drawing held during the party. You don't need to be present to win.

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