Bellefonte Community Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, Apr 19, 2025 at 1:00pm


In conjunction with Historic Bellefonte Inc. the Bellefonte Easter Egg Hunt with sponsor activities beginning at 1:00pm and the eggs will be gathered promptly at 2:00pm. All children 12 years and under are invited to attend. Games, crafts, refreshments, and a visit from the Easter Bunny are planned for this event, along with 15,000 eggs. The children are divided into age groups throughout the park plus a separate area for children with special needs. Extra special eggs will have coupons for a trip to the bunny shack for an Easter basket, a bicycle or special prize. The local clubs, churches, banks, businesses, our fire companies and many volunteers supply the candy-filled plastic eggs, their time, goods and service to keep this free for our children. There is no charge and no registration, it will be held snow, rain or shine. Students that need to complete community service hours for school are encouraged to volunteer and parents are welcome also. To make a donation, set up an activity from your organization or for more information contact Mary McMurtrie at 814-574-3240 or email her at [email protected] Please sign-up by April 1 for our special needs area at [email protected] so we may accommodate their needs.

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