Cajun Music and Dance Festival

Cajun Music and Dance Festival

Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 at 9:00am


Welcome to a weekend of Cajun music and dance with the very finest tradition-bearers. This year’s festival features Jesse Lége and Cameron Fontenot. We offer multiple levels of instruction in Cajun fiddle, accordion and dance, plus cultural discussions, jam sessions, parties, traditional food and more!

Schedule of Events


9:00-9:45 - Breakfast - RedBarn Catering - Main Hall

10:00-11:00 - Dance Workshop - Ellen Keane - Main Hall

Beg/Intermediate Fiddle - Brian O’Donnell - Gallery

Intermediate Accordion - Charlie Terr - Schoolhouse

Advanced Fiddle - Cameron Fontenot - Costume Room

Advanced Accordion - Jesse Lége - Music Room

11:00-12:00 - Last Dance - Cajun Staff - Main Hall

12:00 - Lunch - RedBarn Catering - Main Hall

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