Caribbean Cruise-In Car Show

Monday, Dec 2, 2024 from 3:00pm to 6:00pm


Polish your chrome and rev your engines for the Caribbean Cruise-In Car Shows at Parrot Key and Salty Sam's Marina. The Car Shows are a yearly series of events held at Salty Sam's the first and third Mondays of each month November through April from 3pm-6pm. See Classic Cars, Antiques, Corvettes, Street Rods, Muscle Cars and more!

Each Car Show features music, great food and drinks, souvenir t-shirts, prizes and lots of fun. Prizes are awarded for each category.
Here are the car show details:

-It's free to register a show car. Do so at the beer/registration booth in the parking log.

It's free for the general public to attend. Please park across the street from the marina/show lot.

-Each registered show car owner will also receive a 20% discount on food at Parrot Key that day.

-Prizes will be given out to the top three vote getters. Prizes consist of 2 Key West Express tickets, 4 Pirate Ship Tickets, and a $25 Gift Certificate to Parrot Key. The top three vote getters will then toss a bag at a Corn Hole board, the person that gets it in the hole or closest to it, gets first choice of prizes.

-The public will cast voting ballots to determine places.

The Caribbean Cruise-ins take place between 3-6pm. The great Frank Torino will be hear to DJ the event and the beer tent will waiting for you!

So, whether you are an owner, a car enthusiast or just looking for one of the best and longest running Car Shows in Southwest Florida, come on out to Parrot Key for the Caribbean Cruise-In Car Shows.

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