Denver March Powwow

Denver March Powwow

Friday, Mar 21, 2025 at 10:00am


49th Annual Denver March Powwow.

The Denver March Powwow features more than 1,500 dancers from close to 100 tribes from 38 states and three Canadian provinces. The three-day event will take place at the Denver Coliseum and is packed with singing, dancing, storytelling, food and art.


10:00 a.m: Powwow, Arts and Crafts Open
Dancer and Drum Registration Opens
Story telling (lower foyer Denver Room - top of the hour until 8 p.m.) Native Author Readings - Bottom of the hour until 7:30 p.m.

10:30 a.m: Invocation - Doug Good Feather and Drum Roll Call

11:00 a.m: Grand Entry - DMPW Song "A Living Hoop" begins processional
Welcome-Ken LaDeaux, President, DMPW Board of Directors

12:00 p.m: Fry Bread Concession Stand Opens
1:00 p.m: Intertribal and Contest Dancing-Jr., Teens, Living Treasures (70+); Golden Age (60-69) throughout the afternoon to supper break
2:00 p.m: Wicaglata Registration Opens
5:00 p.m: Supper Break
6:30 p.m: Invocation, Royalty Introductions and Drum Roll Call
Welcome - Meah Little Sky, 2024 DMPW Princess
7:00 p.m: Grand Entry - DMPW Song "A Living Hoop" begins processional
8:00 p.m: Welcome

Frybread Concession Stand Closes
Intertribal, Wicaglata Contest, and Contest Dancing-Sr. Adults (40-59) and Adults (18-39)-throughout the evening until conclusion
10:30 p.m: Powwow Concludes for the night

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