Easter at the Mountain

Saturday, Apr 19, 2025 at 9:00am

12500 Crystal Mountain Drive

Hippity-hop to Crystal Mountain for Easter fun!

Fat Tire Bike Rental, 9am - 5pm
$20 per hour. Includes helmet and trail pass.

Outdoor Hot Tub, 9am - 8pm
Complimentary use for resort houseguests and Four Season Club Members. $12 per person passes are available for purchase.

Candy Guess, 10am - 3pm
Free activity! A variety of sweet treats will be available to guess how many are in the jar. Guesses may be made at the Park at Water's Edge. Winners will be notified by phone and win the jar of candy!

Michigan Legacy Art Park, 10am - 12pm
Drop-In Art event for all ages creating bunnies and/or nests for this year’s collaborative art project, “Hike in the Woods”.

Photos with the Easter Bunny, 12pm - 1pm
Visit with the Easter Bunny at the Park at Water's Edge!

Glitter Tattoos, 1pm - 4pm
Held at the Peak Fitness Center lobby. $10 per tattoo.

Build-a-Buddy Workshop, 1pm - 4pm
$30 per buddy. Held in the Peak Fitness Center Lobby

Outdoor Laser Tag, 4pm
$15 per person, geared for ages 6+. First session begins at 4pm. Additional times may be available. Reservations required, please call  231-378-2238 .

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