Louisiana's Reel Festival

Cinema On The Bayou 2025 Opens With The U.S. Premiere Of Pat Mire's Narrative Feature Film "Pointe Noire"

The 20th Cinema On The Bayou Film Festival, An Annual Eight-Day Juried International Film Festival.

Schedule Of Events

Bonjour Switzerland - 8:00 Pm at St. Landry Cinema Opelousas

A crazy referendum throws Switzerland into a state of emergency. By the acceptance of the initiative “No Bilingue” there should be on only one national language: French. Many German-speaking Swiss are therefore having a crisis. Including Walter Egli, who works for the Federal Police and must ensure that the transition to French is carried out properly. Although he hardly speaks any French himself, he is sent to the Italian speaking region of Switzerland with a French-speaking partner to uncover a resistance group that is fighting the new law by all means necessary.

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