Louisiana's Reel Festival

Cinema On The Bayou 2025 Opens With The U.S. Premiere Of Pat Mire's Narrative Feature Film "Pointe Noire"

The 20th Cinema On The Bayou Film Festival, An Annual Eight-Day Juried International Film Festival.

Schedule Of Events

Home Free - 4:30 Pm at St. Landry Cinema Opelousas

Three estranged adult sisters return home for their parents anniversary to learn their father is dying; his final wish to have one last perfect weekend sends everyone into a whirlwind of buried family secrets and conflict.

"Herb and Audry have had a near perfect relationship for over fifty years. This anniversary, Herb has a few surprises in store for his three estranged daughters; Daisy, the youngest, Ivy, the middle child, and Rain, the eldest. Herb, having recently been diagnosed with a fatal brain tumour, announces that he is choosing to die on his own terms and is not seeking treatment. Not only that, but he wants to spend his remaining hours with them getting to know their inner most secrets and finding a way to clear the air between the three.

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