Maryland Day Celebration

Maryland Day Celebration

Saturday, Mar 22, 2025 at 10:30am

Various Venues in Crownsville, MD

Maryland's Birthday Weekend Celebration. 40+ Events Highlighting Local History, Heritage, Culture, & The Great Outdoors For Free Or $1.

Schedule Of Events:

​Crownsville Hospital Patient Cemetery (Friends of the Crownsville Hospital Patient Cemetery)

11 am and 12 pm Free

Crownsville and Marbury Roads, Crownsville, MD 21032  (Follow the signs in)

Friends of the Crownsville Hospital Patient Cemetery will accept visitors to the Cemetery on Maryland Day Weeknd for "Visitation" and a brief "Say My Name" Ceremony.

​Scenic Rivers Land Trust - Bacon Ridge Natural Area

Hawkins Road Trailhead, Bacon Ridge Natural Area, Crownsville, MD
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Join Scenic Rivers Land Trust staff for a guided history hike of Bacon Ridge Natural Area in Crownsville.Learn the history of the land and take in the beauty of your conserved local forest in spring. The hike is approximately 2 miles on hilly, uneven terrain. All ages welcome. Pets on leashes permitted.

This event is free, but registration will be required and space is limited.Open registration on March 1.

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