Morris And Mollye Fogelman International Jewish Film Festival

Welcome to the 11th year of the Morris and Mollye Fogelman International Jewish Film Festival! We are thrilled to be bringing this year's film festival completely in-person and in our brand new, state-of-the-art Belz Theater at the Orgel Family Performing Arts Center! Happy watching!


7:00pm: Running on Sand

Nominated for the Israeli Academy Award for Best Film, Running on Sand is a feel-good tale of mistaken identity. Aumari, a young Eritrean refugee in the process of being deported, is mistaken for a professional soccer player being brought to Israel to help save the struggling Maccabi Netanya team. Despite having no soccer experience, he plays along and somehow manages to reinvigorate the floundering squad. Amid their quest for victory, he finds himself falling for the team owner’s daughter and worrying if his true identity will be uncovered. Starring the charismatic Congo-born actor Chancela Mongoza and a group of other African migrant actors, Running on Sand has both humor and heart and sheds light on the challenges faced by refugees.

Running Time 104 minutes
Country Israel
Language Hebrew with English Subtitles
Year 2024

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