St. Patrick's Day Celebration - Go Green on the Green

St. Patrick's Day Celebration - Go Green on the Green

Friday, Mar 14, 2025 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm


Join us for "Go Green on the Green," a festive, family-friendly St. Patrick's Day event packed with fun for all ages! Held at the central town green, this celebration features live music, crafts and activities, and delicious food from local vendors.

This part of our new themed event series for 2025, “Cultural Roulette in Rowlett” designed to bring cultures from around the globe to our community. Each event will focus on a different tradition-ranging from Lunar New Year to Hispanic Heritage—offering an immersive, family-friendly experience with interactive entertainment, delicious food/drinks, and unique attractions, all while creating new opportunities for partnerships with local organizations and businesses to get excited about bringing the community to downtown Rowlett.

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