Surviving the Rip 5K and 10K Run/Walk

Surviving the Rip 5K and 10K Run/Walk

Saturday, Apr 5, 2025 at 8:00am


Register today for the Fourth Annual Surviving the Rip 5K or 10K Run/Walk and help raise awareness about open water safety and rip current survival! Thanks to your support, we've greatly reduced the number of deaths, rescues, and illnesses caused by seaward currents and other coastal dangers.
In 2022 and 2023, Nueces County, Texas, reported no fatalities due to rip currents. However, the tragic drowning of two individuals, including a teenager, on our beaches on September 22, 2024, and four drownings at Lake Corpus Christi, remind us that our efforts must not be measured solely by the absence of fatalities. The effectiveness of our programs is vital, but the continuous operation and maintenance of safety measures are just as crucial.
The funds raised will be allocated towards raising awareness about open water safety at beaches and lakes, as well as participating in community events and face-to-face interactions.
Vendors will be present on-site, and there will be prize giveaways!  Join us today and contribute to saving lives!


5K/10K Run/Walk (18 & older), before March 1st, includes T-Shirt - $ 30.00
5K/10K Run/Walk (5 to 17), before March 1st, includes T-Shirt - $ 25.00
Virtual Run/Walk 5K & 10K $30 T-shirt and race bib will be mailed to you.
After March 1st - $ 40.00
Day of Event - $ 45.00

Click here to Register

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