Texas Sandfest

Texas Sandfest

Sunday, Apr 27, 2025 at 9:00am



The Largest Beach Sand Sculpture Competition In The USA.

Join us for fun in the sand-incredible sand sculptures, food, shopping, live music, and more.

Day - 3

9:00 AM
Gates Open
Vendors Open
Masters' gallery open (Masters' Gallery will close at 6:30 PM)
Kids activity tent open - ages 3-12; must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (South Entrance)

9:30 AM
Quick Carve Competition (North Gate)

10:00 AM
Celebrity sand sculpture demonstrations by Amazin' Walter
Lesson mountain/ face painting open
Beer & Wine tents open at North Entrance, South Entrance and Music Stage
Sand sculpting lesson for children (aged 5-12) at lesson mountain

11:30 AM
Quick Carve Competition (North Gate)

11:45 AM
Quick carve competition (Music Stage)

Sand sculpting lesson for children (aged 5-12) at lesson mountain

12:30 - 2:00 PM
Musical performance by 80's Obsession(Music Stage)

1:00 PM
Musical performance by TBD (Music Stage, 1:00 - 2:30 PM)​

1:30 PM
Quick Carve Competition (North Gate)

2:00 PM
Sand sculpting lesson for children (aged 5-12) at lesson mountain ​

2:15 PM
Quick Carve Competition (Music Stage)​

3:00 - 4:30 PM
Musical performance by Ranch Road Band (Music Stage)

Golf Cart Raffle drawing​

​​3:30 PM
Quick Carve Competition (North Gate)

4:00 PM
Sand sculpting lesson for children (aged 5-12) at lesson mountain​

5:00 PM
Meet the Texas SandFest Board of Directors and Grounds Crew (Music Stage)​

5:15 PM
​Master & Semi-Pro Awards announced (Music Stage)

5:30 - 7:00 PM
Musical performance by Gary P Nunn (Music Stage)

6:00 PM​
Lesson mountain closes
Beer & Wine tents close (North & South Entrances)

6:30 PM ​​​
Kids' activity tent closes
Master's gallery closes  

7:30 PM
Musical performances close
Beer & Wine tent close (Near Music Stage)
Event closes

Location: On the beach between markers 13 and 17. North gate entrance is at Marker 13 and South gate entrance is located at Marker 17. 

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