The Alaska Farm and Garden Show

Sunday, Feb 2, 2025 from 11:00am to 5:00pm

Curtis D. Menard Memorial Sports Center
1001 South Clapp Street

Everything you need to know about sustainable living, thriving, and loving life in The Last Frontier!

Solar Energy
Food Preservation
Food Independence
and so much more!

Classes & Seminars

Free seminars and classes, offered by Alaskan experts on a wide variety of fascinating topics are going on all weekend at the Alaska Farm & Garden Show. Seating is limited - so come early!


12:00pm: Gardening 101
presented by Cecil Ellsworth, Studio Orchards

This seminar is designed with the beginning AK vegetable gardener in mind. Basic soil fundamentals, soil testing, which vegetables to grow in Alaska, plant growing mediums, seed starting, lights, pests, and more! These are all important considerations when starting a garden. Learn inexpensive ways to improve your success and learn the benefits of planting a garden in the first place! You will also be entered into a raffle for a free block of Boreal Coir!

12:00pm: Stop The Bleed!
presented by Bodey Turner, Northern Lights Armory

This seminar, presented by Northern Lights Armory, provides a demonstration of the tools and how to respond effectively to life-threatening severe bleeding. It includes proper tourniquet use and empowers bystanders with the knowledge and skills necessary to assist someone in need. Click here for the complete seminar description.

1:00pm: Starting Dahlias
presented by Misty Vanderweele, All Dahlia’d Up

Nothing adds beauty and color to your slice of our Alaskan paradise like blooming dahlias. Learn all about starting dahlias from Misty Vanderweele, the local dahlia expert from All Dahlia’d Up and Palmer’s Vanderweele Farms.

1:00pm: Year Round Gardening
presented by Cecil Ellsworth, Studio Orchards

Alaska’s outdoor gardening season is short! Learn about growing alternatives such as hydroponics, aeroponics, aquaponics, grow tents, and more! Learn about the proper seeds and growing media for different types of gardening, as well as pest control, proper hygiene, lights, climate control, and support resources to help you along your journey! You will also be entered into a raffle for a free block of Boreal Coir.

2:00pm: Future Farmers of America
Presented by Career Tech High School FFA

Learn all about the Alaska FFA Association! Future Farmers of America is a youth organization that changes lives and prepares members for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural, food, and natural resource education. Career Tech High School FFA students will present a summary of what FFA is and what they do. They will be discussing community service, projects, and more!

2:00pm: Microhomesteading
presented by Chris Johnson, Sage Mountain Farms

Learn about micro homesteading: a small-scale sustainable lifestyle to create self sufficiency. We will focus on raising livestock in Alaska on the micro homestead, including cows, goats, and chickens. We will discuss the cost benefit ratio and things to be aware of when starting this venture!

3:00pm: From Tundra To Table: The Art & Science of Alaskan Sourdough
presented by Maureen Petru

Join Maureen for a fascinating journey into Alaska’s sourdough heritage, where science meets tradition in your own kitchen. This interactive workshop goes beyond basic bread-making to explore the unique character of sourdough in Alaska, from Gold Rush history to modern-day innovations. Click here for the complete seminar description.

3:00pm: Basics Of Solar
presented by Casey Compton, The AK Solar Guy

Whether you are on grid, or off grid, it’s always nice to be able to plug in to a little electricity from time to time. At this seminar taught by Casey Compton of The AK Solar Guy, you will learn everything you need to know about living with solar, and how to begin your journey into becoming energy independent in Alaska!


Adults: $10
Under 12: Free
Parking: Free

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