Triad A Cappella Connection women’s barbershop chorus is welcoming new members!

Monday, Feb 3, 2025 at 7:00pm

  Free to attend

Triad A Cappella Connection women’s barbershop chorus is welcoming new members! Sing with our award-winning chorus in February for four rehearsals and a chance to audition.
Triad A Cappella Connection is a member of Sweet Adelines International, a not-for-profit organization that specializes in the preservation and promotion of barbershop singing worldwide. The barbershop style of four-part, a cappella harmony lends itself to songs from any era - today's ballads, popular show tunes, even jazz. TACC will be opening up our membership during the month of February beginning on Monday the 3rd. Not only will you discover the art of barbershop singing with women from all over the Triad, but will no doubt find new friends. Get ready to ring some chords and say good-bye to wintertime blues!
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