Arts and Entertainment
September 25, 2023
From: Johnny Appleseed FestivalSCHEDULE OF EVENTS:
12PM- Food Vendors & Crafters Open
1PM- Opening Ceremories
12PM-4.45PM- Registration for cornhole Tournament
5PM- cornhole Tournament Begins-Rain or Shrine
5PM-7PM- Kids Sawdust pile and Fun Zone
6PM- Professional Lumberjack & Lumberjill Competition
7.30AM-9 30AM- Breakfast at the Concession Stand(Served by Sheffield Rotary)
10AM- Food Vendors & Crafters Open
10AM- Professional Lumberjack & Lumberjill Competition
10.30AM- Registration for Horse Pull
11AM- Horse Pull - First Pull
12.00PM-2.30PM- Apple Pie Baking Contest Drop Off(Drop offal the side of the concession stand.)
12PM-3PM- 'Just Having Fun Polka Band'at the Pavillion
1 PM-7 PM- Kids Sawdust Pile & Fun Zone
1 PM-5 PM- Johnny Appleseed Wine Trail at the Fire Hall
2 PM- Marty's Bubblegum Machine
3 PM- Apple Pie Baking Contest Judging
4 PM-6 PM- 'Old Dawg Bluegrass' at the Pavillion
7 PM- Luminaries
7.30-9.30 AM- Breakfast at the Concession Stand
9AM- Registration for Tractor Pull
11AM- Tractor Pull - First Pull
10AM- Food Vendors & Crafters Open
10AM- Professional Lumberjack & Lumberjill Competition
1PM-3PM- Kids Sawdust Pile & Fun Zone
2PM- Marty's Bubblegum Machine
October 13-15,2023
October 13, 2023 at 12:00pm
October 14, 2023 at 7:30am
October 15, 2023 at 7:30am
Sheffield Memorial Park, 320 South Main Street,Sheffield, PA 16347
Click Here For More Information.