Arts and Entertainment
February 8, 2025
From: The Invisible Dog Art CenterThis multidisciplinary series (visual art, video and installation) stems from a traumatizing experience during a performance in 2021. 2Fik questions his relationship with his characters, 100 of them that he developed since the beginning of his career. After 20 years of practice as the photographer, the model and the creator of all his works, these questions awakened a deep sense of grief.
2Fik’s relationship with his characters has been shattered ever since that infamous day of June, 6th, 2021. How does he get back up from the deep-cutting realization that characters he knew for a very long time are not who he thinks they were? Maybe he took them for granted. Maybe he did not see the red flags. Maybe he was in denial since their inception two decades ago. This new installation churns doubts about loyalty, creativity and vulnerability.
When a relationship changes, we need to decide what we keep from this experience and what we leave behind. Can 2Fik still be who he is after he gave all his blood, tears and sweat to his characters to finally get bamboozled by them? The bond between them is now distorted forever.
2Fik’s needs to redefine that relationship to let it thrive again, but differently...
Saturday, February 8 - Sunday, February 23, 2025
Gallery Hours:
Thursday - Saturday: 1-7pm
Sunday: 1-5pm
Opening Reception: Saturday February 8, 2025 - 6-9pm
The Invisible Dog Art Center,
51 Bergen Street,
Brooklyn, NY, 11201
Admission: Free
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