Arts and Entertainment
March 23, 2023
From: Grant County FairgroundsSchedule of Events
March 23, 2023
- 8:00 PM Hogs & Sheep will be received and weighed at the show upon arrival between 4:00pm– 8:00pm. Beef weighs in Friday morning.
- No animals unloaded from any vehicles until scale opens on Thursday. Animals will be tagged and weighed upon arrival.
- All animals are subject to a health screening at unloading. Any animals that are found to exhibit contagious diseases or are sickly or unthrifty will be excused from the show
- Important Notice; Show schedule subject to change.
- Please pay close attention to schedules posted at the show or announced during the exhibitor's meeting
March 24, 2023
Ken Ardell Pavilion (tentative—subject to change)
- 8:00 AM – Opening Program and Exhibitors Meeting
- 8:30 AM – 4-H/FFA Swine Fitting & Showing Demonstration
- 9:00 AM – 4-H/FFA Market Swine (2 rings will be used for swine)
- 10:00 AM– 4-H/FFA Beef Fitting & Showing Demonstration, followed by 4-H
Market Beef Followed by FFA Market Beef
- 4-H Beef Fitting & Showing Followed by FFA Beef Fitting & Showing
- Beef Fitting & Showing Classes will follow Beef Market Classes
- 1:00 PM – 4-H/FFA Sheep Fitting & Showing Demonstration, followed by 4-H
Market Sheep Followed by FFA Market Sheep
- 4-H Sheep Fitting & Showing followed by FFA Fitting & Showing
- Sheep Fitting & Showing Classes will follow Sheep Market Classes
- Sheep Bonanza classes will follow Fitting & Showing classes
- 1:00 PM– 4-H/FFA Swine Fitting & Showing (2 rings will be used for swine)
March 25, 2023
Ken Ardell Pavilion
- 8:30 AM- Livestock judging with beef and swine grading
- 8:30 AM– Meats Contest
- 12:00 PM– FFA & 4-H Junior Livestock Sale
- Terms of sale: only cash, cashier's checks or bankable checks on the day of sale will be accepted as payment.
- All take home animals must be paid for on the day of the sale unless prior arrangements are made with sale management.
Date: March 23-25, 2023
Grant County Fairgrounds,
3953 Airway Drive Northeast,
Moses Lake, WA 98837.
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