Arts and Entertainment
April 16, 2024
From: Kachemak Bay Shorebird FestivalThis year's festival will offer over 100 events for all ages and abilities. Join us to celebrate the spring migration of Alaska's shorebirds.
Schedule of Events
May 8, 2024
7:30 am - 2 pm - Lake Clark National Park Bear/Bird Viewing - Anchor River State Park Rec. Area - $370
9-11 am - Beaks and Bills Boat Tour - H Ramp 3, M/V Seabird - $85
10:30-11:30 Bird Storytime at the Homer Public Library - Homer Public Library - IR
12-2 pm - Beginner Bird Walk - Calvin and Coyle Trail - $7
1-1:45 pm - Is that a bird or a plane? Birding 101 - AMNWR Seminar Room - IR
1-3 pm - Beaks and Bills Boat Tour - H Ramp 3, M/V Seabird - $85
2-2:45 pm - B.A.R.K. Ranger - AMNWR Back Patio - $5
3:30-4:30 pm - Jr. Birder - Beluga Slough Walk with KBNERR Beluga Slough - IR
3:30-6:30 pm - Shorebird Photography on the Anchor Point Beach - Anchor River State Park Rec. Area - $100
4-6 pm - Nature Journaling with Kim McNett - Pratt Museum - IR a.m.
4-6 pm - Steller's Jay Felt Craft - AMNWR Lab - $3
4-6 pm - Unveiling the newest Bird Beer Label and Beer! - Grace Ridge Brewing - IR
4:30-6:30 pm - AK Maritime Refuge Visitor Center 20th Birthday Party and Bird Bash! - AMNWR - IR
4-8 pm - Shorebird Dinner Cruise - Homer Harbor F3 - $300
May 9, 2024
7:30-9:30 am - Beginner Bird Walk - Calvin and Coyle Trail - $7
7:30 am - 2 pm - Lake Clark National Park Bear/Bird Viewing - Anchor River State Park Rec. Area - $370
8-10 am - The Wise and Wonderful Journey Bay Adventures - $85
8-10 am - Fins and Feathers Boat Tour - H Ramp 2, True North Kayak - $75/ - $50 kids
8:30 am - 12:30 pm - Birding Hot Spots at the Anchor River - AMNWR parking lot - $50
8:30 am - 4:30 pm - Full-day Boat Tour to Seldovia - HRamp 4, Slip N14, M/V Silver Wake - $295
9-11 am - Beaks and Bills Boat Tour - H Ramp 3, M/V Seabird - $85
9 am - 1 pm - Flow with the Birds: 1/2 Day Kayak Tour - $95 - H Ramp 3 parking lot, Kachemak Bay Adventures
10-11:30 am - Pre-K Pufns: The Remarkable Red-necked Phalarope! - AMNWR Seminar Room - IR
10 am - 2 pm - Kayaking with Birds in the Wildlife Refuge - H Ramp 2, True North Kayak - $95/ - $85 kids
10 am - 4 pm - Gull Island Tour and Hike to Grewingk Glacier Lake - Ramp 3 parking lot, - $95/ - $85 kids
10 am - 1 pm - next day Kachemak Bay Overnight Cruise - Homer Harbor F3 - $750
11 am - 5 pm - Gulls and Glaciology Excursion - H Ramp 2, True North Kayak - $115 kids
12:30-2:30 pm - Beginner Bird Walk in Town - Poopdeck Trail - $7
1-1:45 pm - Foggy Origin: Rats in the Aleutians - AMNWR Auditorium - IR
1-1:45 pm - Is that a bird or a plane? Birding 101 - AMNWR Seminar Room - IR
1-2 pm - Motus Towers in Homer with KBNERR KBNERR - IR
1-3 pm - Beaks and Bills Boat Tour - H Ramp 3, M/V Seabird - $85
1-1:45 pm - Foggy Origin: Rats in the Aleutians - AMNWR Auditorium - IR
1-1:45 pm - Is that a bird or a plane? Birding 101 - AMNWR Seminar Room - IR
1-2 pm - Motus Towers in Homer with KBNERr - KBNERR - IR
1-3 pm - Beaks and Bills Boat Tour - H Ramp 3, M/V Seabird - $85
1-3 pm - Nature Journaling for All Skill Levels - AMNWR Lab - $7
1-5 pm - Flow with the Birds: 1/2 Day Kayak Tour - $95 - H Ramp 3 parking lot, Kachemak Bay Adventures
2-2:45 pm - Schantz Scholar: Adrianna Nelson - AMNWR Auditorium - IR
2-2:45 pm - B.A.R.K. Ranger - AMNWR Back Patio - $5
2-6 pm - Kayaking into the Ancient Past - H Ramp 2, True North Kayak - $95/ - $85 kid
3:30 - 4:30 p.mMud Bay Family Walk 2181 - Kachemak Bay Drive - IR
3:30 - 6:30 pm - Shorebird Photography on the Anchor Pt. Beach Anchor - River State Park Rec. Area - $100
4-6 pm - Game Night: Wingspan - AMNWR Seminar Room - $1
4:30 - 6:30 pm - Jr. Birder Movie Night - AMNWR Auditorium - IR
5-7 pm - Birding Trivia - Grace Ridge Brewing - IR
May 10, 2024
7 am - 2 pm - Overlook Park Hike - AMNWR parking lot - $15
7:30 - 9:30 am - Beginner Bird Walk - Calvin and Coyle Trail - $7
7:30 am - 2 pm - Lake Clark National Park Bear/Bird Viewing Anchor - River State Park Rec. Area - $370 10-11:30 a.m.
8-10 am - Fins and Feathers Boat Tour - H Ramp 2, True North Kayak - $75/ - $50 kids
8-10 am - The Wise and Wonderful Journey - H Ramp 2, Kachemak Bay Adventures - $85
8-11 am - Coldwater, Hot Birds - H Ramp 3, ColdwaterAK - $90 kids - $110/
8:30 am - 4:30 pm - Full-day Boat Tour to Seldovia - H Ramp 4 Slip N14 M/V Silver Wake - $295
9-11 am - Watercolor Workshop with 2024 Festival Artist Torie Rhyan - AMNWR Lab - $40
9-11 am - Beaks and Bills Boat Tour - H Ramp 3, M/V Seabird - $85
9 am - 1 pm - Flow with the Birds: 1/2 Day Kayak Tour - H Ramp 3 parking lot, Kachemak Bay Adventures - $85
9:30 am - 12:30 pm - Documenting Birds in the Digital Era - AMNWR Seminar Room - $10
10-11:30 am - Pre-K Family Birding Walk Louie's Lagoon, Homer Spit - IR
10-11:30 am - Birdability on Beluga Slough - AMNWR parking lot - IR
10 am - 2 pm - Kayaking with Birds in the Wildlife Refuge - H Ramp 2, True North Kayak - $95/ - $85 kid
10 am - 4 pm - Gull Island Tour and Hike to Grewingk Glacier Lake Ramp 3 parking lot, Kachemak Bay Adventures - $95/ - $85 kid
11:30 am - 1:30 pm - Red-necked Phalarope Craft - AMNWR Lab - $10
11 am - 5 pm - Gulls and Glaciology Excursion - H Ramp 2, True North Kayak - $125/ - $115 kid
1-1:45 pm - Bird-friendly Buildings: What You Can Do - AMNWR Auditorium - IR
1-2 pm - Storytime at the Pratt: Shorebird Festival Session Pratt Museum - IR
1-3 pm - Beaks and Bills Boat Tour - H Ramp 3, M/V Seabird - $85
1-5 pm - Flow with the Birds: 1/2 Day Kayak Tour - $95, - H Ramp 3 parking lot, Kachemak Bay Adventures
2-2:45 pm - Be a Citizen Scientist and Explorer with eBird - AMNWR Seminar Room I
2-6 pm - Kayaking into the Ancient Past - H Ramp 2, True North Kayak
3-5 pm - Shorebirding by Ear - AMNWR Back Patio - $7
3-3:45 pm - Red-necked Phalaropes: Understanding a Unique Shorebird - AMNWR Auditorium - IR
3:30-6:30 pm - Shorebird Photography on the Anchor Pt. Beach Anchor River State Park Rec. Area - $100
4-4:45 pm - Gambell: Birding on the Western Edge - AMNWR Auditorium - IR
4-6 pm - Festival Kick-Of at the Pratt Pratt Museum - IR
4-8 pm - Shorebird Dinner Cruise Homer Harbor F3 - $300
5-6:30 pm - Forest Bird Scavenger Hunt Pratt Museum Trails - IR
5-7 pm - Birds, Trivia, and YOU! TBD - IR
May 11, 2024
Seabirds and Plastics: Investigations and Dissection - KPC Campus - IR
6-8 am - Morning at the Marsh Airport Viewing Platform - IR
7:30-9:30 am - Beginner Bird Walk Calvin and Coyle Trail - $7
7:30 am - 2 pm - Lake Clark National Park Bear/Bird Viewing Anchor River State Park Rec. Area - $370
8-10 am - Fins and Feathers Boat Tour - H Ramp 2, True North Kayak - $75/ - $50 kids
8-10 am - The Wise and Wonderful Journey - H Ramp 3 parking lot, Kachemak Bay Adventures office - $85
8-11 am - Coldwater, Hot Birds - H Ramp 3, ColdwaterAK - $110/ - $90 Kids
8:30 am - 4:30 pm - Full-day Boat Tour to Seldovia - H Ramp 4 Slip N14 M/V Silver Wake - $295
9-10:30 am - Shorebird Identifcation - AMNWR Auditorium - IR
9-11 am - Beaks and Bills Boat Tour - H Ramp 3, M/V Seabird - $85
9 am - 1 pm - Flow with the Birds: 1/2 Day Kayak Tour Ramp 3 parking lot, Kachemak Bay Adventures - $95
10-11 am - Adult Beginning Birder Discovery Lab - IR - AMNWR Lab and Seminar Room
10 am - 12 pm - Beginner Bird Walk Calvin and Coyle Trail - $7
10 am - 12 pm - Low Tide Anchor Point Anchor River State Park Rec. Area - $12
10 am - 2 pm - Kayaking with Birds in the Wildlife Refuge - H Ramp 2, True North Kayak - $95/ - $85 kid
10 am - 4 pm - Gull Island Tour and Hike to Grewingk Glacier Lake Ramp 3 parking lot, - $95/ - $85 kid
11-11:45 am - Tundra Nesting Birds of Arctic NWR - AMNWR Auditorium - IR
11 am - 12:30 pm - Beluga Slough Bird Walk for Beginners - AMNWR Back Patio - $7
11 am - 5 pm - Gulls and Glaciology Excursion - H Ramp 2, True North Kayak - $
11:30 am - 8-10 am - The Wise and Wonderful Journey - $85 Jr. Birder Discovery Lab - AMNWR Lab and Seminar Room - IR
1-1:45 pm - Birding the South Pacifc from Austraila to Chile - AMNWR Auditorium - IR
1-2 pm - Wings + Warblers Maker Lab at the Pratt Pratt Museum, 3779 Bartlett St. - $15
1 p.m.- 10 am - next day Kachemak Bay Overnight Cruise Homer Harbor F3 - $750
2-2:45 pm - The Power of Migration - AMNWR Auditorium - IR
2-3:30 pm - Meet Girdie the Crow with Bird TLC - AMNWR Seminar Room - IR
3:30-5 pm - Annual Bird Calling Contest - IR
3:30-6:30 pm - Shorebird Photography on the Anchor Pt. Beach Anchor River State Park Rec. Area - $100
7 pm - Presentation by Keynote Speaker, Ted Floyd: Birding and Nature Study in the Digital Age - HHS Auditorium - $10
May 12, 2024
6-7:30 am - Morning at the Marsh - Airport Viewing Platform - IR
7 am - 2 pm - Overlook Park Hike - AMNWR parking lot - $15
7:30 am - 2 p.m Lake Clark National Park Bear/Bird Viewing Anchor - River State Park Rec. Area - $370
8-10 am - Fins and Feathers Boat Tour - H Ramp 2, True North Kayak - $75/ - $50 kids
8-10 am - The Wise and Wonderful Journey - H Ramp 2, Kachemak Bay Adventures - $85
8:30 am - 4:30 pm - Full-day Boat Tour to Seldovia - H Ramp 4 Slip N14 M/V Silver Wake - $295
9-10 am - Meet Girdie the Crow with Bird TLC - AMNWR - IR
9-10 am - Birders Cofee - AMNWR Seminar Room - IR
9-11 am - Beaks and Bills Boat Tour - H Ramp 3, M/V Seabird - $85
9 am - 1 pm - Flow with the Birds: 1/2 Day Kayak Tour - Ramp 3 parking lot, Kachemak Bay Adventure - $95
10-11:30 am - Film: Purple Haze - AMNWR Auditorium - IR
May 8-12, 2024
Kachemak Bay State Park,
95 Sterling Highway Suite 2,
Homer, AK 99603
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